The National Institute of Building Sciences has produced a helpful online guide to assist federal building project managers in meeting various mandates as established by federal law, Executive Order or EPA recommendation.
The Federal Green Construction Guide for Specifiers provides a comprehensive aid for procuring Green building products and construction services within the federal government.
What this means to you:
The Guide provides listings of the sort of requirements a bidding contractor may expect to find in current and future bid documents where the project is wholly or partly backed by federal money.
The list may be viewed or downloaded at the NIBS site, either complete or in parts according to the type of work to be performed. For example, a click on “22 40 00 (15400) Plumbing Fixtures” reveals the requirements a bidding plumbing subcontractor may expect to encounter, as well as a materials call-out. For example:
Water management: Provide low flow fixtures and automatic, sensor operated faucets and flush valves. Provide automatic, sensor operated faucets and flush valves to comply with ASSE 1037 and UL1951.
Faucets and aerators: Maximum 2.0 gal/min when measured at a flowing water pressure of 60 pounds per square inch.
Water closets: Maximum 1.6 gallons. [Gravity tank type water closets not allowed.]
Urinals: [Maximum 1.0 gallons/flush.] [Waterless operation; provide with urine trap and 100 percent biodegradable sealant liquid as approved by manufacturer.]
Showerheads: 2.2 gal/min when measured at a flowing water pressure of 80 pounds per square inch.
Traps: Provide traps with removable access panels for easy clean-out at sinks and lavatories.
Water filter systems: Provide filters for chlorine at sinks, lavatories, and showerheads.
The Guide, explanatory text and references are available at: